Kindle in Review


So the ‘last’ blog post I wrote/re-published was originally created quite a few years ago!

After many years (and continuing to) using my original Kindle Keyboard 3G I think it’s high time I reviewed my decision to get one and how I have been using it. Yes, I linked to it on Amazon, not because I’m an affiliate and will make any money, but because in case anyone actually forgot this thing existed!

So many years later, I am still going strong with my Kindle, though it must be noted that the ‘workload’ is now shared. Some years ago, I bought my younger sister the Paperwhite and after a year or so of not using it she thought it was best to give it (back) to me since I was more likely to get more use out of it. I did, indeed, decide to put it to work and it became my ‘reading for pleasure’ device of choice while the Kindle Keyboard 3G became my sole ‘reading to learn’ device where I would make copious notes and refer to the Kindle Your Notes and Highlights via my Amazon account and transfer these to my Evernote for further notation.

I have found this setup works quite well but despite my affinity for the devices I contunue to purchase physical books much to Sim’s (my wife’s) annoyance. And not because she has anything against books. Quite the opposite in fact; she too has a large book collection. Sadly, for all our shared values and passions, we do not share the same when it comes to what we choose to read. I am almost exclusively non-fiction while Sim tends to consume fiction at a simillar rate. Since we recently moved into a 1-bedroom flat our collection is all the more evident and the space to fit it all continues to baffle us (and science) despite several attempts at using Tetris to figure out how we could make it all fit together, but without disappearing!

It’s gotten so bad now, I had to build a library catalogue using AirTable just to keep track of them (nearing 900) because I was finding I was buying books I already had not realising I may have bought them maybe 2-3 (months) binges ago. It was getting quite embarrassing - but then I remember the Japanese word Tsundoku and tell myself it’s going to be just fine and I will get around to reading them all.

For now, I’m happy to continue playing in my hybrid analogue/digital book collection and can’t wait to revisit this again as I dive deeper into other related areas.


It’s been a while…


Books - The Last Chapter?